Barney Boynton2023-11-13 HIGHLY RECOMMEND⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ We have worked with this team on several projects. They will save you money, they find EVERYTHING ???????? Julie Matheson2023-01-04 I had a great experience with Apex Locating Services. Through 811 Dig, I had been unable after 2 visits by their contractor and one from the energy company to get a reliable location on the gas line to my home. Possibly the signal wire with the gas line was damaged during a septic repair. With the ground penetrating radar equipment that Apex uses, it was possible for them to give me a confident and reliable location for the utilities. I was finally able to move forward with my excavation projects thanks to their help!Load more
The sub-surface world is full of the unknown. Water, sewer, gas, communication, and high-voltage electrical lines all weave below ground. Whether these lines are close to the surface or nearly 20 feet below, they pose a significant hazard when digging. By identifying hazards beforehand, you save time and money by preventing line strikes and keeping your crew safe.
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